Sunday, April 29, 2007

Moving west

yesterday's connection. How to help a young woman who helps me. Great salesperson at Nortdstrom is moving back to OR. Am trying to help her by sending her resume to my former boss Mike, who works for Nike.

know any executive training programs in retailing in OR???

Thursday, April 26, 2007


Life is interesting isn't it, in how we connect with others and ourselves.....

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Connect- the definition

This morning I went on Webster's to look up the definition of connect, there were 13 different results. The following are the ones I found most interesting.

1. to join, link, or fasten together; unite or bind: to connect the two cities by a bridge;
2. to establish communication between; put in communication:
3. to become connected; join or unite: These two parts connect at the sides.
4. Informal. to relate to or be in harmony with another person, one's work, etc.: .

Sunday, April 22, 2007

Connect a couple??

Connecting a couple of people.

Today, met a baby of a couple I connected about 10 years ago. Heart warming
Yesterday spoke to a guy I am trying to set up with a friend.
Tomorrow will continue in connecting people in the fashion industry.


Saturday, April 21, 2007

Connect the people debut

This being my first entree in to blogging, I will need to play around a little bit with my format and content.

I love connecting people together. It has always been one of my favorite things to do. When I meet someone new I like to figure out if we have anyone in common. Or if I am speaking to 2 different people I try to see if they have anyone in common. So when I was trying to think of a name for my blog-"Connect the People" seemed a natural name.

I am in the business of connecting people. I am a recruiter in the fashion industry. I love to find a person with a great skill set that fits a position our agency is working on. Once they have their initial connection (interview) if the chemistry is there they go on to the next meeting. When the candidate is placed in the position at our client's company, we have made a connect the people transaction.

More to come....

any ideas?