Saturday, June 28, 2008

A summer saturday

This week's connections.... hmmmm

There is a student in my yoga class who attends college with one of my cousins.  We realized the connection a week or so ago.  This past week my cousin Sam came to class.  

Whenever I am on the phone at work with someone whether recruiting or networking or touching base, I always try to find a common person we both know.  I think it helps my credibility, but it also feels more comfortable.  Was chatting with a guy yesterday I have known for some time, we realized we knew quite a few of the same people.

In a couple of weeks I am attending a fashion show/industry fundraiser in the Meatpacking District to support the Collapse of the Colony Bees.  When I have more details I will share.

Heading to Joy's to weed, move some plants and to walk Rocky.  Her niece is turning 1 today, my niece will be 1 tomorrow.  We will share notes when Joy and family get home to see if either is walking, talking or ???

Til then


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