Friday, November 16, 2007

wow time has flown

Once again I realize it's been quite a while since my last posting. Let's see the Boston Red Sox won the World Series, Hofstra Women's Basketball has started, UCONN Men's and Women's Basketball has started. Woowiee. Fall mornings this year have been wonderful to walk, the air is nice and crisp this morning the sky was this deep azure blue with billowy white clouds. I have started to challenge myself to walk further in the morning. A co-worker told me about this site called you can map a walk, run, bike ride etc... When I mapped some of my walks, I realized many mornings I wasn't even reaching the 2 mile marker. This morning I walked just over 3 miles. What a great feeling.

Take a look at the web site, it even calculates calories burned, minutes per mile, etc...

Sunday, October 21, 2007

connecting with red sox fans

It's that time of year. Late October, going in to game 7 of the ALCS against the Cleveland Indians.
They won Thursday, it was my niece's birthday. A good luck charm. They won last night, my brother's birthday. He has been a fan since 1967. I remember very well how he would listen to the games on the radio. I can still remember the names of that season. Yaz, Jim Lonborg, Elston Howard, Mike Ryan, Reggie Smith, Elston Howard, Rico Petrocelli, George Scott, Joe Foy, Ken Harrelson, Sparky Lyle and of course Tony Conigliaro. (now I had to look up some of them, but many of them were etched in my brain.)

So I spent the day either chatting with family and friends about last night and tonight or leaving messages. Can we relive 2004 and go on to the World Series. I think so. Time will tell. I am sure my mom will be speaking to Francona via the tv if Matsuzaka has some trouble and saying "take him out of there", my sister in law may have her rally cap on, and my brother who lives in an area where they don't televise the games will be glued to the t.v tonight.

Go Red Sox and thank you Red Sox for being a great way to Connect with People

Friday, October 12, 2007

so much time has past

Wow, I can't believe it's been about 6 weeks since I have blogged. I really have gotten a little off track. We celebrated my parent's 50th anniversary party two weeks ago. It was a great together of family and close friends. My parents are a true tribute to a strong, solid loving marriage.

It's been a great year of connecting people in the fashion recruiting industry. Our business has grown so much this year. The growing business of specialty retail has really given our business a great boost. It is such a great business to be in, helping people day in and day out

Life is busy too, Dress For Success Hartford is launching it's 2nd fundraiser of the year. The Couture Bridal Sample Sale in November in Hartford. Go to the web site and check it out. and work your way to the Hartford, CT affiliate.

Also, planning our 30th high school reunion. Can't believe that much time has passed.

Monday, September 3, 2007

connecting the dots thru godwinks

Quite a few years ago I read the boodk "When God Winks" by SQuire Rushnell. The book talks about looking for coincidences or godwinks in one's life to guide them in their lives. Yesterday I picked up another of his books, "When God Winks" on love. In one of the chapters he talks about "connecting the dots" with people. I had to stop reading to write this in my blog.

I realized I did not write anything in the month of August. It was a busy and fun month. A bike trip in Vermont, a family vacation on the Cape and a business trip to Las Vegas.

Today is Labor Day, a glorious day that ended a beautiful weather weekend spent with family and friends. Tomorrow is a new start, revitalized from a business trip and the feeling of the first day of school.

I look forward to new connections in the coming month.

Friday, July 27, 2007


In one's work how does one decide what is the best code of ethics? Obviously we are all different in this world, as I often say that is what makes the world go around. We are all different beautiful human beings. People view how to handle ethical issues in the office different ways.

This is something that I have been thinking about for a few weeks now. As a business grows, how do you handle situations? My thoughts now are, how would I want the situation to be handled if the ethic question involved my area of responsibility. I guess it's the age old treat people the way you want to be treated.

I plan on using this going forward in life and business.

Tell me how you handle ethic issues in your business?

Monday, July 23, 2007

oh my gosh

I can't believe I haven't blogged for a month!!! No excuses. A lot has happened in recent weeks. Our family welcomed our newest member on June 29th. A baby girl to my youngest brother and family. Everyone is fine, she is growing and her big brother is getting used to having a little sister around. We also said goodbye to a dear Aunt. Her health had been declining for quite some time. She had in home hospice care for a little less than 2 weeks when she passed. It was a peaceful passing with 2 of my cousins by her bedside as she took her last breath. She had a love for music, family and humor. She will be missed by family, church friends and others. We all loved her very much.

Saturday, June 23, 2007

when do you most likely connect with a new person?

Is it on a business trip?
On a walk in your neighborhood?
On vacation?
Your local grocery store?
A town meeting?
Taking out the garbage?

Saturday, June 16, 2007

You never know how you will find your next job...

I went to a theater awards reception the other night and ran in to an individual who started a new job in the last 6 months. The individual was in a show that I worked backstage on, he told me that an acquaintence of his came to the show one night thru a mass email that went out. They spoke, the individual needed an office manager for his lighting business. He hired the actor who was currently working in a job that was not satisfying. He loves his new job.

You never know where the next lead for the dream job will come, tell me about yours...

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Hanging in

Sometimes it's hard to stay at a job when you aren't happy. First you need to ask yourself why do you want to make a change? Second, is there something I can change to make myself happier? Or is there something I can say to my employer to improve the situation? Once you have the answer to whichever question applies then take the proper action. Don't jump at the next job offered just because you're unhappy.

Make the right move!

Wednesday, June 6, 2007


When it comes down to almost the offer time from a potential employer they will often ask for references.

Keep in mind a few things when you hand over the references. First unless requested by the compay make sure all the references are professional references. Second, make sure you have contacted all of your references and given them the heads up that they may be receiving a call from the company. Even better, if you know who is doing the calling, give them the name.

When people are putting together their reference list I will suggest that they give past or current supervisors, co-workers, and business conatcts that would support how the individual works. If the individual has managed people in their career I will suggest that they supply individuals they have managed. Also, make sure you supply the phone numbers, how you know the person, and where they currently work.

How often do you get called as a reference for someone?

Friday, June 1, 2007

Why did you take that new job?

What made you decide this was the job for you? People take new jobs for many different reasons.

Was it the challenge of something new?
Were you referred by a friend who works there and you had a good comfort level about going to the company?
Was it just for the money? Benefits?
Did you hate your last job so much you took the first offer?
Was it more responsibility and room to grow professionally?
Did your parents tell you that you better get a job?

Tell me what your reason was to take that new job

Thursday, May 31, 2007

Build a Connection

It is one thing to connect with someone, another to build on it. When I meet someone new professionally I will often try and find a common connection. If it is a potential candidate I look at their resume to see if there is anyone in their past that we know mutually. Or if the person has a similar background to mine I will share some of my story. A new client I often will try to find some common connection. I have found it helps the conversation flow for me. People like common grounds, they seem more trusting and comfortable. Once the initial ground work is done, when speaking to people in the future I will try to remember tidbits of conversations, or bring up articles I have read on the company they work for.

What type of question do you ask when meeting a new business associate?

Sunday, May 27, 2007


I am currently reading "The Power of Approachability" by Scott Ginsburg. I saw Scott speak at the NEAPS conference in Hartford this past April. It is a book on networking, approaching others, and marketing yourself. He has great suggestions. A recommended read. He really gives great advice on how to connect with people. Without being salesy, a genuine approach. He discusses using open ended questions, carry your business cards, creating a "My card" to carry for people who don't have a card with them, body language, etc...

Have you read a book recently that inspires you?

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Networking.... one of my favorite pastimes

Networking a definition I found in the dicitionary: meeting people who can be of help to you and being a help to them. Networking is a great tool to help you connect with other people. I love to help people thru networking. I have found over the years that often when people have a need for something they turn to me for help. It might be a suggestion for an electrician, where to get a certain type of food, or finding an old friend's current address. It's a way to stay connected, as well as figure out a way to connect other people together.

When I was out of work a few years ago, I knew I wanted to change careers. Losing my job was one of the best gifts I ever received. I was in a position to figure out what's next for me? When sharing my job loss situation with my immediate family the first thing my mom said to me was "you are the best networker I know, I have no doubt you will find a great job." In 3 weeks I found 2 jobs. Both thru networking. The one I chose was the recruiting job. It has allowed me to do many of the things I enjoy. Networking, helping others, and learning more about how people operate in life.

What is your favorite networking experience?

Sunday, May 20, 2007

First impression

Remember your first interview with a company is also your first impression. Do your homework on the company, the hiring manager, their culture. Make sure that you are dressed appropriately for your industry or the industry you would like to join. If it's a big corporation chances are you will need to wear a suit on your first interview. If interviewing in the fashion industry, make sure you understand their brand. A premium denim company most likely would not want you to wear a suit. They want to make sure that the people they hire can convey their brand to the retailers they are selling. If you are in doubt what to wear, ask ahead of time. Also, keep in mind that simpler is better, there is no need to wear a lot of jewelry, cologne, makeup. You don't want to over power the person you are meeting.

Make sure you look the interviewer in the eyes when you meet them. A firm handshake is also key, they want to know you are confident and self assured. Even if you are nervous. Most people have some sense of nervousness, it is human nature. Make sure your answers go with the question asked, and you keep them to the point. Again, eye contact. When leaving the interview remember to thank the interviewer, shake their hand if it is offered. Write a thank you note to the interviewer within 24 hours. In many industries it is ok to email a thank you if you are given the business card. If you are not offered the card, hand write a note and make sure you have the proper title and spelling of the person you met. It is ok to call the company to ask for this information if you did not get it at the interview.

how did your last interview go?

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Do you have the chemistry?

We spend our days working on making the right connection with our candidates and clients. It is not only about connection but it is also chemistry. In any working relationship an individual can have the skill set to fit the position. But if the chemistry with the co workers and hiring manager isn't there, it won't be a lasting relationship. People need to get along and respect each other at work. When you have those components you will get more from yourself and your co-workers will get more from you.

Just like in love...

what is your best chemistry experience at work?

Monday, May 14, 2007

Today's connections

Today was an interesting day. 3 different people I helped last year find a job all called me for multiple reasons. All either choosing to make a change or looking to make a change. This part of the job is often tenuous, understanding their reasons for changing helps me better understand their personal needs and why they want to leave our client. The more people we put in to a company the better it is to understand their culture and what they look for in a candidate. The same goes for a candidate, by talking to them in transition helps me find a new fit for them.

What motivates someone to make a change in their employer?

Sunday, May 13, 2007

Everyone is a Mom

You don't need to have given birth to a child to be a Mom. There are all sorts of ways to be a Mom, you can parent a niece or nephew or young cousin by doing things with them. You can help or play with a neighbor's child and help them grow and learn about things they may not learn from a parent. You can be a foster parent, or a Big Brother or Big Sister. You can even mother someone by just helping them thru a time of need. Being a mother is helping nurture someone and watch them grow.

Friday, May 11, 2007

Connect in an interview

When coaching a candidate going out on an interview I will give them a few pieces of advice

If the person is young, or shy or hasn't interviewed in a long time. I remind them that no one knows them better than they themselves do. No one can speak to your strengths, what you know, your talents and your areas that need some development. Sit tall, smile, feel confident about you are talking about, remember it's you.

If the person is seasoned, I will still coach them on what the hiring manager will ask them, what they expect and most importantly do your homework. If the company has a web site, study it. Read the history, any recent articles, facts on the company, etc... We recruit for the wholesale and retail industries. I encourage the candidate to shop the line where it is carried, and if time allows I ask them to check multiple retailers so they can speak to the different mixes of product, placement of product. Sometimes the client will have not only a wholesale line but will have a retail chain. If this is the case, I tell the candidate to shop the company store too so they can see the entire collection and how it differs from the department store assortment.

Connecting with their is often key for our candidates to live, eat and breathe the culture of our client. Understanding the aesthetic is key. Look the part.

Thursday, May 3, 2007

Six degrees

six degrees of everyone I think. it is interesting to see how we are all so connected to each other. On a daily basis I am amazed at how people are interconnected to one another. How when you meet someone you find out who you have in common. It sometimes is a great way to make the conversation more relaxed and real.

That movie really was true.

Sunday, April 29, 2007

Moving west

yesterday's connection. How to help a young woman who helps me. Great salesperson at Nortdstrom is moving back to OR. Am trying to help her by sending her resume to my former boss Mike, who works for Nike.

know any executive training programs in retailing in OR???

Thursday, April 26, 2007


Life is interesting isn't it, in how we connect with others and ourselves.....

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Connect- the definition

This morning I went on Webster's to look up the definition of connect, there were 13 different results. The following are the ones I found most interesting.

1. to join, link, or fasten together; unite or bind: to connect the two cities by a bridge;
2. to establish communication between; put in communication:
3. to become connected; join or unite: These two parts connect at the sides.
4. Informal. to relate to or be in harmony with another person, one's work, etc.: .

Sunday, April 22, 2007

Connect a couple??

Connecting a couple of people.

Today, met a baby of a couple I connected about 10 years ago. Heart warming
Yesterday spoke to a guy I am trying to set up with a friend.
Tomorrow will continue in connecting people in the fashion industry.


Saturday, April 21, 2007

Connect the people debut

This being my first entree in to blogging, I will need to play around a little bit with my format and content.

I love connecting people together. It has always been one of my favorite things to do. When I meet someone new I like to figure out if we have anyone in common. Or if I am speaking to 2 different people I try to see if they have anyone in common. So when I was trying to think of a name for my blog-"Connect the People" seemed a natural name.

I am in the business of connecting people. I am a recruiter in the fashion industry. I love to find a person with a great skill set that fits a position our agency is working on. Once they have their initial connection (interview) if the chemistry is there they go on to the next meeting. When the candidate is placed in the position at our client's company, we have made a connect the people transaction.

More to come....

any ideas?