Friday, May 11, 2007

Connect in an interview

When coaching a candidate going out on an interview I will give them a few pieces of advice

If the person is young, or shy or hasn't interviewed in a long time. I remind them that no one knows them better than they themselves do. No one can speak to your strengths, what you know, your talents and your areas that need some development. Sit tall, smile, feel confident about you are talking about, remember it's you.

If the person is seasoned, I will still coach them on what the hiring manager will ask them, what they expect and most importantly do your homework. If the company has a web site, study it. Read the history, any recent articles, facts on the company, etc... We recruit for the wholesale and retail industries. I encourage the candidate to shop the line where it is carried, and if time allows I ask them to check multiple retailers so they can speak to the different mixes of product, placement of product. Sometimes the client will have not only a wholesale line but will have a retail chain. If this is the case, I tell the candidate to shop the company store too so they can see the entire collection and how it differs from the department store assortment.

Connecting with their is often key for our candidates to live, eat and breathe the culture of our client. Understanding the aesthetic is key. Look the part.

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