Thursday, May 24, 2007

Networking.... one of my favorite pastimes

Networking a definition I found in the dicitionary: meeting people who can be of help to you and being a help to them. Networking is a great tool to help you connect with other people. I love to help people thru networking. I have found over the years that often when people have a need for something they turn to me for help. It might be a suggestion for an electrician, where to get a certain type of food, or finding an old friend's current address. It's a way to stay connected, as well as figure out a way to connect other people together.

When I was out of work a few years ago, I knew I wanted to change careers. Losing my job was one of the best gifts I ever received. I was in a position to figure out what's next for me? When sharing my job loss situation with my immediate family the first thing my mom said to me was "you are the best networker I know, I have no doubt you will find a great job." In 3 weeks I found 2 jobs. Both thru networking. The one I chose was the recruiting job. It has allowed me to do many of the things I enjoy. Networking, helping others, and learning more about how people operate in life.

What is your favorite networking experience?

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